
Subscriber agrees that you are solely responsible for checking with your state licensing board and state laws about the content, legality, and implementation of these materials. You acknowledge and agree in advance there is no claim made as to the legality of the content of the materials and that the documents are for informational purposes only. Furthermore, you agree there is no claim made or guarantee as to any results or outcomes from the materials provided to members.

California Subscribers: The California Board of Chiropractic Examiners requires that any financial plan that involves cash discounts or accepting prepayment be submitted to the California Department of Managed Health Care. Failure to do so is considered by the board to be an act of unprofessional conduct and may subject you to disciplinary action.

The plans generated by the Cash Plan Calculator® System HAVE BEEN REVIEWED by the California Department of Managed Health Care and determined not to require licensure, as submitted. If you make changes to the plan that affect it’s meaning, you are required to resubmit it.

Join Cash Practice Systems today!

Start today for as little as $49/mo. Training is included.