Drip-Education System

Automated, email based patient education and marketing

The Drip-Education Email Marketing System automates a major portion of your patient education and marketing. It is a powerful email campaign system giving you the ability to automatically send email campaigns, capture leads and increase sales.

Get a Free Sample Email Campaign to Try it Out Yourself.

Drip‑Eduction System

A key way to remain relevant with your patients is to keep in touch with them.

If you stay at the top of their minds, they’ll keep coming back. With our pre-made email content that generates interest and engagement, the appointments will keep flowing.

The Drip-Education System automates your patient education and email marketing, bringing you and your practice into the 21st century.

In other words, it cultivates patient loyalty.

See how patient loyalty will take your practice to new heights, in just two minutes.

The Cash Practice Systems

The Four Pillars of Patient Loyalty

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Start today for as little as $49/mo. Training is included.